Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dried Out

So it's summer here in the good Ole Show Me State.  Living here all my life I've grown accustomed to the hot, humid summer days although I don't really like them.  I'm more an autumn, winter, spring type of girl.  I like lots of precipitation and cooler temps.  Like I said though, I'm used to the hot, humid  Missouri summers.

This summer has been unbearable.  The sun feels like a an angry god hell-bent on torture. So far we've had 15 days of temps above 100 and we are in a serious drought with no end in sight. It's been well over a month since we've had even a sprinkle of rain at our house. We gave up on our lawn weeks ago. Walking across it feels and sounds like you are stepping on thousands of tiny bones, very unpleasant.  Cracks in the ground are big enough for me to stick my hand in.  Leaves are getting scorched right off trees and falling to the ground.  It is absolutely miserable.

When it's hot like this it's hard to build up motivation to do anything outside unless you are going to submerge yourself in a cool body of water and drink an ice cold beverage (preferably an adult beverage.)  I honestly feel as though my bones (and my brain) are drying out. I can feel that it is affecting my moods too, which I really don't like.  I'm an over-heated crab.  Yep, I'm whining. Wah.  Keeping up on running has been a struggle. I still have the motivation to get out there but I just can't run as far or as hard as I want to.  The heat zaps my energy so fast.  I've started doing some of my runs once the sun goes down but I am still a bit of a scaredy cat about running alone at night so I don't go far from the house.

The last several weeks I have been daydreaming about rain.  I seriously fantasize about getting in the car and driving til I hit a steady rain and just stand in it for a long time and let it soak into my skin.  I am craving the smell of rain and the freshness of cool air on my skin.  I've actually had talks (although not too serious) with Luke about just packing up and heading North or to anywhere there is lots of green and cooler temps.  Maybe to the Michigan UP or Oregon or Washington and just hiding out there until more desirable weather returns at home.  Ah, it's a nice thought isn't it?

 I'm just going to take a minute and imagine myself in these pictures...... (I'm in a cool, wet place. I'm in a cool, wet place)- not really working for me. Well I hope my next post finds me in better weather and with that better moods.  Til next time, stay cool.

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