Monday, May 20, 2013

Bark in the Park 5K

My hubby has always been the strong, athletic type but he has never been much of a runner. He likes doing cardio workouts on equipment at the gym but turns me down when I ask him to join me on a jog. He has insisted he is "not built for distance running" and I've always called BS.  I believe that anyone can be a runner if they have the mindset to do so. It's mind over matter;  forcing yourself to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
So, you can imagine my surprise when a few weeks ago Luke asked me to run a 5k with him. I happily accepted the invitation and told him to pick the race. He began his training, running on the treadmill at the gym and doing a few outdoor runs with me. 
This past Saturday we ran the Bark in the Park 5K: Luke, Ellsie and I. It was a very warm, muggy morning and I was a bit worried about how Luke would do in such conditions but he ran very well. Watching him cross that finish line was one of my proudest moments as his wife. It may have only been a 3.1 mile run but the fact that he took the initiative to give distance running a try and then complete his first race makes me unbelievablely happy. He has finally come to the realization that he CAN run distance and even live to tell about it.  There has even been talk about our next race and increasing mileage. 
Running isn't easy. Far from it. Running takes a lot of discipline and dedication but I feel the payoffs are well worth it: health for the body, mind & soul. The rush that comes with crossing a finish line. The euphoria of your legs finding the perfect stride and feeling like you could run forever. The high and sense of accomplishment after completing a good run. Luke has had a taste of these experiences and I hope running has him hooked like it has me.  I have visions of us running side by side for years to come, pushing each other to go faster, go further. Striding and striving together.   

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