Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Snow Daze

It's been a rare occurrence the last few years to get much snow accumulation in our area.  And when ole Jack Frost does have his way the snow usually melts in about 24 hours.  This makes me a little sad because I LOVE snow. I feel that if everything is brown and ugly during winter, why not cover with a white, glittery blanket? Just my opinion.
You can imagine my excitement last Thursday when giant snowflakes began descending from the heavens with a fierce intensity.  Road conditions began deteriorating quickly so Luke and I both ended up back home before noon.  We had several inches of snow within a few hours and I COULD NOT WAIT to get out in it.  So, like a couple of giddy school children (ok, I was the only giddy one, Luke was a bit reluctant but played along)  we bundled up in our snow attire and headed outside. 
 It was so quiet all you could hear was the falling snow.  Not another soul was outside in our neighborhood. A beautiful marshmallow world all to ourselves. We grabbed our sled from the garage and went to it, sledding down our driveway and cul-de-sac.  At one point Luke said "I can't believe I'm almost 30 years old and I'm out sledding down my driveway with my wife."  My reply was "That just means you're doing it right"  
Saturday we ventured out into the snow again.  The sun was shining and made the snow the perfect melty consistency for snowman making.  The saying goes when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.  Well I say when life gives you snow,  make snowmen.  We started out with the intent to make a typical snowman but when Luke began talking about meeting up with friends to watch the Mizzou basketball game against Kentucky that night, I had the idea to make a Snow Truman.   The picture below shows what we ended up with.  I know what you're thinking: yellow snow!  Get your mind out of the gutter!  I don't doubt Bosco, Ellsie and Oscar's ability to make that much yellow snow but we used watered down craft paint for the color and applied it with a soft bristle brush.  MIZ!  ZOU! 
This little venture has me eager for more snow so I can attempt more sculptures. Snow is so easy to work with it may be my new favorite art medium.  Only downfall?  It melts. Quickly.  I'm not too upset about it though because I had so much fun creating and sharing our work with the world.  Snow Truman will live on in our hearts, minds and social media forever :).

I know that is has snowed quite a bit in Missouri over the last week.  Snow can cause a lot of problems and can be a major annoyance for some people.  The thing is it's only here for a short amount of time.  Before we know it the sun will be bearing down on us with a vengeance and we will be reminiscing about these snow days when the temperature is 100 degrees out.  Not to mention all the snow is helping ease the effects of last summer's horrible drought.  So for now, go out into the snow covered world with reckless abandon.  Have a snowball fight.  Go sledding.  Build a wicked snow fort.  Make a snowman or snow sculpture. Surrender yourself to the childlike wonder that still resides somewhere inside you.   Be in awe of the beauty of a winter wonderland.  Like I said before, it won't last long. 

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